Brachioradialis Flap for Soft Tissue Coverage of Posterior Elbow Wounds: Case Report and Surgical Technique
Orlando D Sabbag, MD; Casey M. DeDeugd, MD; Eric Wagner, MD; Bassem T. Elhassan, MD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
The posterior aspect of the elbow is an area prone to chronic wound complications due to its prominence and the tensile forces resulting from elbow range of motion. In situations in which local wound care fails, various options for soft tissue coverage are available including the anconeus, lateral arm, radial forearm, extensor carpi radialis longus, and flexor carpi ulnaris flaps. Each option offers unique considerations depending on the complexity and extent of the soft tissue defect. In situations in which coverage of a large defect is required, or when primary soft tissue coverage options fail, an alternative option is the brachioradialis rotational muscle flap. We present a case report and surgical technique using the brachioradialis muscle for coverage of a large posterior elbow wound after failure of an anconeus flap.
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